2009年12月11日 星期五

Courage in everything

My friends, Ally lost her mum last month, heart attacked. And almost lost her dad 3 week ago, suicide. Ally almost going mad, but she is calm now.

The story:
Ally's mum is having a heart attacked when she is asleep, a month ago. obviously, her father is waited till the day of seventh of his wife ( believe the soul of one will be back home on the seventh ) to followed her. He used the knife in the kitchen, waited the right time (night time, when others has asleep) to do it.

How brave is that? For I could never thought about it.
How stupid is that? For him to have the braveness to killed himself but living in world for his children.
But some how, I admired his courage for thinking about it and actually doing it.
But why did he believe it has to be done on the day of seventh ? I honestly have no idea.

All I could ever think of is Ally's sadness. Her pain of losing her mum and almost losing her dad to become an orphan.

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