2009年8月29日 星期六

Snow Ball & Hazel Cookie

Snow Ball
This is a very simple cookies recipe. Honestly, I didn't have the recipe of this, I saw it once on TV and memorized it. I have changed it a little bit by adding the topping of hazel slices.

Click on the picture for bigger view.

The Making Progress.

Butter, Plain Flour, icing sugar,Hazel Slices and an egg.

1.Put the Butter and flour into the mixer, make sure its well mixed.
2.Hand roll the mixed (1) to little balls and put in to bake for ten minute.
3.Put some icing sugar in a box, then take out the (2) from the oven and put them in the box, gently while you mixing it with the sugar. (mixing while its hot)
4. Serve.

Hazel Cookies:
1.Simple dull as above just have to add in the sugar before you make them to the shape you want.
2.Beats the egg and take out a brush to paint the egg to it, put the hazel slice on it and paint the eggs on the top again.
3.Bake them for 10 minute.
4. Serve.

^-^ hope you likes what I post and love what you make.

