2010年1月1日 星期五

Cloudy with a chance of meatball

Bryan has been so boring the whole time during the holiday, me too! Let Brandon make it three then, ok. We're all bored to stay at home, call up to my sister and then she says she is going to watch this movie with her friends.

Then the next day, she told me it's good.

And then so that night, when hubby is back from working, we have fun watching it, the children love it. We watched it right after dinner, Bryan is still on school holidays so he has no problem with it either.

I guess it's was like a dream for them to see the food dropped from the sky, because they just starred at the screen the whole time.

But the part where the food dropped down in very huge side, it's got Brandon to scared and says he don't want to see it any more. He go back to his play room after I told him I can't turn it off, I couldn't remember if he did come back after that but...

I was so inspired with the jelly, how can he be so creative and thoughtful to think of that. The Jelly's piano, staircase and every things inside ? Even when he is acting stupid but he seems so cute to me, he is silly and he is still cute, melt my heart...

