2008年7月1日 星期二

The Grandfather 61 years old Birthday

This is a huge bun which still has 10 small bun inside it. Its a special bun for sure.

This is our little small family picture with the cake. Only the brother of Yonis didn't show up at the party because he is working in Singapore.

This is a Pui's family picture with my father-in-law's only brother's family.

This is the picture of my mother-in-law's side relative.

This is the major huge group picture for that day's relative.

The cake and the door gift for relatives and friends. The door gift is two red painted boiled egg cover with a plastic paper.

Here the words saying: Happy Birthday to father's 61 birthday and may him be long life and high fortune ahead.

The presents being put together with the Birthday cake.

It is a special day for Pui' family member so I have tried to do more effort than usual, its my way to win theirs heart.

But the result show out today is a failed. Well..at least I have tried - nothing to be upset about it anymore.

